first round of structuring page
For simplicity, this page will mostly refer to what is going on in a bottle, but the same changes and processes occur in other package types, albeit at different rates, and 'bottle' can be replaced with 'keg' or another final package.
==Best Practices for Storage==
''This could be an overview for customers, retailers, and distributors. The sections below can give more technical/detailed information.''
See Techniques of Cellaring below for more information.
==Bottle conditioning==
(in progress)
==Techniques of Cellaring==
Cellaring, or extended age in the bottle once the beer is ready to drink, is common for many mixed fermentation beers. Cellaring is typically carried out at cooler temperatures.
Cover: bottles versus kegs (and casks?) Corks versus cap differences.
===Bottle Orientation===
* Pierre Tilquin explains that horizontal storage for corked bottles results in no [[Pellicle]] formation in the bottle <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1210209235673955/?comment_id=1210248462336699&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Conversation with Pierre Tilquin on MTF regarding horizontal bottle storage. 01/08/2016.]</ref>.
* As with wine and champagne, some recommend storing beer that uses natural corks horizontal to keep them from drying out. This allows them to keep a tight seal and either horizontal or vertical for synthetic corks (it doesn't matter for synthetic corks) <ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storage_of_wine#Orientation_of_the_bottle Wikipedia. Storage of Wine. Retrieve 04/14/2016.]</ref><ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1284779411550270/?comment_id=1284784551549756&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R1%22%7D Conversation with Raf Soef on horizontal bottle storage for natural corks. 0414/2016.]</ref>.
* Jeff Porn observes accelerated flavor development (good or bad) when comparing bottles that are stored horizontally versus ones stored vertically <ref>{[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1284779411550270/?comment_id=1284814231546788&reply_comment_id=1284815964879948&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R3%22%7D Conversation with Jeff Porn on horizontal corked bottle storage. 04/14/2016.]</ref>. This is also the [http://allaboutbeer.com/belgian-warm-rooms/ experience of Brasserie Dupont]. ==Biochemical Changes=====Acids and Esters===Cover microbiologically driven changes: over-attenuation, Brett expression under pressure, autoylsis * [http://horscategoriebrewing.blogspot.com/2016/02/thoughts-on-spitaels-and-van.html "Thoughts on Spitaels and Van Kerrebroeck et al, 2015", by Dave Janssen on Hors Catégorie Blog.] pH change in the bottle? http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0740002014002548 ===Phenols===
===Hop Compounds=== ====IBU Degradation==== ====Lightstruck====
===IBU DegradationEffects of Oxygen===
===Microbial ActivityOther Flavor and Non-flavor Compounds===''Cover lifespan and effects of: tannins, THP, diacetyl, proteins, enzymes, gluten(?), effects of different levels of CO2.'' ====''Pediococcus'' 'sickness'====* See the [http://horscategoriebrewing[Pediococcus#.22Ropy.22_or_.blogspot22Sick.com/2016/02/thoughts-on-spitaels-and-van22_Beer|''Pediococcus'']] page.html "Thoughts on Spitaels ==Microbial Survival and Van Kerrebroeck et alChanges==''Cover what we know the about survival rate of different microbes, 2015", by Dave Janssen on Hors Catégorie Blogand connect them to the above sections if they have an impact.]''
===Flavor Development=Serving and Drinking== * [http://horscategoriebrewing.blogspot.com/2016/02/thoughts-on-spitaels-and-van.html "Thoughts on Spitaels and Van Kerrebroeck et al''Cover gushing, 2015"chilling, by Dave Janssen on Hors Catégorie Blog.]serving maybe?''
==See Also==
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1177560362272176/ Devin Bell's facebook discussion about aging in bottles]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1172410802787132/ Discussion about how long it takes to develop carbonation]
===External Resources===