added Thoams Hubbe data
===Starter Information===
When relying on a ''[[Brettanomyces]]'' culture for primary fermentation, a starter will often be necessary due to the fact that most yeast labs provide a small cell count for their ''[[Brettanomyces]]'' cultures. See the [[Brettanomyces#Starter_Information|Brettanomyces Starter Information]] section for more information on Brett starters. About 500ml starter per 25 liters of wort seems to be the current best practice. Data from Thomas Hübbe supports that the initial pitching rate doesn't have a great effect on the final cell count in pure ''Brettanomyces'' starters or beer, indicating that ''Brettanomyces'' is fairly forgiving in regards to small initial cell counts <ref name="Hubbe">[https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/Final%20work%202%20-%20Thomas%20H%C3%BCbbe.pdf?token=AWyH17JH23uJ-wby5L7bZBZ-_G9EbxFbtNZhoHdq9nFQXDyOlNW66kYos4cpt_oOzIGzmllGYexkcE6o3bESICERaG8rSM4SruxzJVAaDb7UaoeAfVvLY_7uNezyeiynjnVG1T1zYyf-Zl4f2E6NwyOIX0y9hlh78XXVWFGHZySDEA Effect of mixed cultures on microbiological development in Berliner Weisse (master thesis). Thomas Hübbe. 2016.]</ref>.
===Wort Production===