,added the Session "Almanac Beer Co."
| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/session-le-castor/ Daniel Addey-Jibb, co-owner and brewer at Le Castor joins us for The Session on this episode.] || 2016-10 || Insights into stopping fermentation and adding ''Brettanomyces'' at bottling, and predicting the carbonation levels based on residual gravity. Also information about using large amounts of fruit zest in ''Brettanomyces'' beers. Relevant information starts at around 1 hour and 10 minutes in.
| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/session-almanac-brewing/ Almanac Beer Co.] || 2016-10 || Jesse Friedman, who is one of the co-founders, and Phil The Barrel Guy made the journey – along with several tasty beers – to chat with us about their philosophy on making beer and how to be creative in a growing market. Farm to Barrel” is their tagline, and Jesse is a passionate believer in paring beers with food, so it’s easy to see why the beers are the way they are – well balanced, complex, and damn good! We talk about their barrel program for a bit, as well as how they deal with Brett strains and their fruit additions, two things they are known for. Interview starts at ~40 minutes.