,added session info "Daniel Addey-Jibb, co-owner and brewer at Le Castor joins us for The Session on this episode.
| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/session-shady-oak-barrel-house/ Shady Oak Barrel House] || 2016-09 || Long-time listener and ultimate winner of our long-lamented television show B.Y.O.B. TV, Steve Doty, is our guest for this episode of The Session. In 2014, Steve opened Shady Oak Barrel House in Santa Rosa, and has been producing some of the most sought-after farmhouse beers in the state. In fact, he was named best new brewer in 2014 by the folks at Rate Beer! Steve talks to us about what it takes to run a barrel house all by yourself, how he approaches blending his beers, and what strange stuff the TTB makes him put on his labels. Interview starts at ~37 mins.
| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/session-le-castor/ Daniel Addey-Jibb, co-owner and brewer at Le Castor joins us for The Session on this episode.] || 2016-10 || Insights into stopping fermentation and adding ''Brettanomyces'' at bottling, and predicting the carbonation levels based on residual gravity. Also information about using large amounts of fruit zest in ''Brettanomyces'' beers. Relevant information starts at around 1 hour and 10 minutes in.