Added the mysterious RVA 804
| Trois||<strike> Dekkera bruxellensis</strike> ||<strike> B.</strike> trois||WLP644||Mango, Pineapple||Isolate from Drie Fonteinen, DISCOVERED NOT TO BE BRETT ON 12/10/2014
| Unknown || Unknown || Unknown || RVA 804 || Produces some amazing aromas of pears, and other fruit esters. We highly recommend this strain for Belgian Dubbels. This strain also makes a very nice cider. A highly flocculating, medium-high attenuating strain adds nice complexity to stouts, and Belgian Ales and Specialty Belgian Ales. Flocculation: Medium, Attenuation: 78-85%, Suggested Temp Range: 65-72°F, Alcohol Tolerance: 14%. || This strain originates from local fruit trees.