added GigaYeast and RVA Yeast Labs single Brett strains
| Bruxellensis||Dekkera bruxellensis||B. bruxellensis||RVA 502||A medium-intensity Brettanomyces yeast strain. Will add a bit of funk when added during the secondary. Typically used in Belgian-style beers, especially lambic. A famous Trappist brewery produces its unique beer with this yeast during secondary fermentation. ||[[RVA Yeast Labs]]
| Bruxellensis||Dekkera bruxellensis||B. bruxellensis||GB144||Produces a sweet, slightly fruity profile with just a hint of barnyard and spicy phenolics||[[GigaYeast]]
| Claussenii||Dekkera anomala||B. claussenii||BSI||Same as White Labs||Pro-Brewers only.