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| Bruxellensis||Dekkera bruxellensis||B. bruxellensis||ECY-05||funky with barnyard notes accompanied by some fruit||isolated from Belgian stout
| Bruxellensis||Dekkera bruxellensis||B. bruxellensis||RVA 502||A medium-intensity Brettanomyces yeast strain. Will add a bit of funk when added during the secondary. Typically used in Belgian-style beers, especially lambic. A famous Trappist brewery produces its unique beer with this yeast during secondary fermentation. ||[[RVA Yeast Labs]]
| Claussenii||Dekkera anomala||B. claussenii||BSI||Same as White Labs||Pro-Brewers only.
| Claussenii||Dekkera anomala||B. claussenii||WLP645||Fruity, pineapple||
| Claussenii||Dekkera anomala||B. claussenii||RVA 501||A low-intensity strain. Contributions from this strain are mostly aromas of pineapple and fruit. This strain prefers higher temperatures (85º F), but will produce nice aroma and subtle flavor at normal ale fermentation termperatures (68-72º F).||[[RVA Yeast Labs]]
| CMY1||Dekkera bruxellensis||B. bruxellensis CMY1||BSI||||Chad Yakobson's mutation of BSI Drie
| Lambicus||Dekkera bruxellensis||B. lambicus||Wyeast 5526||Pie-cherry||Different from WL's "lambicus"
| Lambicus||Dekkera bruxellensis||B. lambicus||RVA 503||High-intensity “Brett” strain. Very spicey with “smoky” and “horseblanket” flavors and aromas. This strain is used mostly in Lambics and Flanders sour beers. ||[[RVA Yeast Labs]]
| Naardenensis||Dekkera naardenensis||B. naardenensis||ECY-30||strawberry, honey, ripe fruit with a tart, citrusy acidity after 6mo of aging||Isolated from Dr. Pepper