,added Brew Talk Online episode with Richard Sigesmund under Miscellaneous
! Title !! Date (year-month) !! Notes
| [httphttps://www.thetaphandleshowsoundcloud.com/2015brewtalkonline/11/thsrichard-74-omega-yeast-labs/ The Tap handle Show - Interview with Lance Shaner of Omega Yeast Labssigesmund Brew Talk Online] || 112016-2015 02 || Founder Interview with local homebrewer Richard Sigesmund. Richard is a well versed homebrewer and CEO Lance Shaner received actually spent a Phcouple weeks in Belgium interning with De Struise, and touring around.D. in microbiology Check out his recap, and molecular genetics what he learned from the University of Texas – Houston. Lance has 9 years of laboratory experience, including 5 years best of original research on the stress response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (abest in Belgium.k.a. brewer’s yeast). Lance has been an avid homebrewer for 14 years and continues actively homebrewing today Sour talk starts ~23 minutes.
| [http://www.thetaphandleshow.com/2015/11/ths-74-omega-yeast-labs/ The Tap handle Show - Interview with Lance Shaner of Omega Yeast Labs] || 2015-11 || Founder and CEO Lance Shaner received a Ph.D. in microbiology and molecular genetics from the University of Texas – Houston. Lance has 9 years of laboratory experience, including 5 years of original research on the stress response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a.k.a. brewer’s yeast). Lance has been an avid homebrewer for 14 years and continues actively homebrewing today. |-| [https://soundcloud.com/brewtalkonline/escarpment-yeast Brew Talk Online - Escarpment Yeast Labs interview] || 2015-08-2015 || In this episode we talk to the boys from Escarpment Labs, about cultivating yeast, managing yeast and bacteria cultures, and what you can do to improve your homebrew and harvest your own yeast at home. http://www.escarpmentlabs.com for more info, or check the out on twitter, facebook, and instagram.
| [http://jesterkingbrewery.com/garrett-crowell-adrienne-ballou-on-mixed-culture-fermentation Garrett Crowell & Adrienne Ballou on Mixed Culture Fermentation ] || 2014 || Recently, Jester King Head Brewer Garrett Crowell and Barrel Program Head Adrienne Ballou gave a talk on mixed culture fermentation at the Austin Fermentation Festival. Here is the audio from the talk, where Garrett and Adrienne discuss how Jester King goes about fermenting its beers, how its mixed culture of yeast and bacteria was created, and what mixed culture fermentation means to us. We hope you enjoy listening!