,added new BBR podcast with James Sites
| [http://traffic.libsyn.com/basicbrewing/bbr09-17-15smallbarrelstrat.mp3 Sour Small Barrel Strategy] || 2015-09 || In part one of a two-part series, homebrewer CJ Shamus shares tips on using small barrels to produce sour beers.
| [http://traffic.libsyn.com/basicbrewing/bbr11-12-15smallbarrel2.mp3 Small Sour Barrel Strategy Pt. 2 ] || 2015-11 || Homebrewer CJ Shamas returns to share beers from his small sour barrel program with James, Steve and Andy.|-| [http://traffic.libsyn.com/basicbrewing/bbr03-10-16sourhybrids.mp3 More Sour hybrids] || 2016-03 || Homebrewer James Sites shares another round of his tasty sour beer and wine hybrids fermented with his own house sour culture, including experiments with ''Oenococcus oeni''.