'''100% Brett fermentations''' typically create a fruit forward beer that is less funky than if the ''[[Brettanomyces]]'' is pitched into a beer that has first been fermented with ''[[Saccharomyces]] '' (see [[Funky Mixed Fermentations]]).
==General Information==
Typical characteristics of Brett primary fermentations (these are generalizations, and may not be true for every strain):
* Lack of the typical "horsey", "funky", "barnyardy" flavors due to the lack of ''Saccharomyces '' esters/phenols (see the [[Brettanomyces#Brettanomyces_Metabolism|Brettanomyces Metabolism]] page for more information). However, this is a generalization and some brewers have reported getting some "funkier" flavors out of some strains.
* Light fruit characteristics.
* A longer lasting hop aroma and flavor due to Brett's ability to constantly metabolize micro-oxygenation.
* A lack of glycerol, which is a compound that ''Saccharomyces '' produces which gives beer it's slick mouthfeel. Malts such as oats or flaked wheat are often used to make up for the lack of glycerol.
* Slightly longer primary fermentation in general (3-6 weeks), although some people have reported faster fermentations between 1-3 weeks for some strains and conditions (lower starting gravity beers, for example) <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1158650034163209/ Conversation on MTF regarding how long 100% Brett ferments can take. 10/04/2015.]</ref>.
* Perceived bitterness may be quite a bit lower than the same wort fermented with a clean ale yeast.