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3 bytes added, 18:33, 6 June 2015
updated WLP672 stir plate to no stir plate
| [[White Labs]] || WLP677 || L. delbrueckii || Heterofermentative <ref name="tmf_cultures">[ ''Commercial Brettanomyces, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus Descriptions''. The Mad Fermentationist Blog. Michael Tonsmeire. Retrieved 3/4/2015.]</ref> || no stir plate, room temp ||Incubate at > 90°F and < 117°F for 5-7 days for greater lactic acid production.
| [[White Labs]] || WLP672 || L. brevis || Heterofermentative <ref name="nick">[ Conversation with Nick Impellitteri from The Yeast Bay on the MTF Facebook Group. 3/4/2015.]</ref> || No stir plate, room temp|| Produced by [[The Yeast Bay]]. More hop tolerant than other Lacto strains, however TYB advises to use wort with less than 10 IBU. Temperature range: 70-95°F; 80% attenuation (this may not reflect actual attenuation of wort in a real brewery; see reference <ref>[ Conversation with Michael Soo and Nick Impellitteri on the Milk The Funk Facebook Group. 3/5/2015.]</ref>). <ref>[ The Yeast Bay website. Retrieved 3/2/2015.]</ref>
| [[Wyeast]] || 5335 || L. buchneri || || 1L starter, 1.020 DME sterile wort, no stir plate, no O2, starter at 90°F if possible 5-7 days || Incubate at 90°F for 5-7 days for greater lactic acid production.

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