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14 bytes added, 18:32, 6 June 2015
Omega blend update
| [[Wyeast]] || 5223-PC || L. brevis || Heterofermentative <ref name="nick"></ref> || no stir plate, room temp is fine || Heterofermentative (produces lactic acid, ethanol and CO2), more hop tolerant. Does well at room temperature. AVAILABLE ONLY FROM JULY THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2014 (Michael Dawson from Wyeast indicated that this culture may return at some point). Jamie Daly indicated on MTF that he got almost no sourness after 24 hours at 100°F (37.8°C). He lowered the temperature to 90°F-95°F (32.2°C-35°C) for 36 hours, and the pH of the wort went down to 3.29. Thus, Jamie recommends 90°F-95°F (32.2°C-35°C) for 60 hours for better souring; avoid warmer temperatures. He also aerated his starter of L. (brevis 2L starter of 1.020 dme) and set it on a stir plate at 95°F <ref>[ Growth Response of Lactobacillus brevis to Aeration and Organic Catalysts. J. R. Stamer and B. O. Stoyla. Appl Microbiol. Sep 1967; 15(5): 1025–1030.]</ref>. The beer wort was not aerated, and the fermenter was flushed with CO2. These methods need verification.
| [[Omega Yeast Labs]] || OYL-605 || L. brevis, <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">delbrueckii</span>, and plantarum blend || Hetero/Hetero || 1 liter starter at room temperature for 24-48 hours. no stir plate || Quick souring. Pitch into 65°F-90°F. Holding temperature is not required. No longer contains delbruekii <ref>[ Conversation with Raymond Wagner of Oso Brewing Co on Milk The Funk. 4/30/2015.]</ref>.
| [[GigaYeast]] || GB110 || L. delbrueckii?<ref>[ From Gigayeast, Inc. on Facebook, 12/3/2014: "Appears to be L. delbrueckii."]</ref> || Heterofermentative || no stir plate, room temp ||Incubate at 98°F for 48-72 hours; use low IBU wort. Sometimes referred to as GigaYeast's "Fast Acting Lacto". This strain is hop sensitive <ref name="steve_smith">[ Conversation with Steve Smith of GigaYeast on MTF. 05/08/2015.]</ref>.

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