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910 bytes added, 14:32, 16 January 2017
updated the Yeast Bay blends instructions for starters
| [[Omega Yeast Labs]] || All The Bretts OYL-218 || This will be an evolving blend comprised of nearly every Brettanomyces strain in our collection (inaugural release will contain 12 strains). When used in secondary, expect high attenuation and a fruity and funky complexity developing over time. Attenuation: 85+%; Flocculation: low; Temperature: 68F-85F. Homebrew pitch contains ~70 billion cells <ref>[ Conversation with Lance Shaner on MTF regarding Omega cell counts. 10/09/2015.]</ref>.
| [[The Yeast Bay]] || Beersel || Not overly funky but there is a sweaty note hanging behind lemon and citrus fruits, nice blend of subtle funk and citrus/fruit. All strains were identified as ''B. bruxellensis'' <ref name="TYB_Blends">[ Conversation with Nick Impellitteri regarding taxonomy of the TYB Brett blends. 11/13/2015.]</ref>. Making a starter is fine despite the instructions advising against it on the vial and will not greatly effect the character of the final beer <ref name="TYB_starter_is_ok">[ Conversation on MTF with Nick Nick Impellitteri from The Yeast Bay. 01/16/2017.]</ref>.
| [[The Yeast Bay]] || Brussels || Similar to Beersel but with more funk in aroma and less fruit, complex barnyard character. All strains were identified as ''B. bruxellensis'' <ref name="TYB_Blends"></ref>. Making a starter is fine despite the instructions advising against it on the vial and will not greatly effect the character of the final beer <ref name="TYB_starter_is_ok" />.
| [[The Yeast Bay]] || Lochristi || Smells of Iris C2, probably the same, subtle blend with some delicate fruit, strawberry. All strains were identified as ''B. bruxellensis'' <ref name="TYB_Blends"></ref>. Making a starter is fine despite the instructions advising against it on the vial and will not greatly effect the character of the final beer <ref name="TYB_starter_is_ok" />.
| [[The Yeast Bay]] || Amalgamation Brett Super Blend || 6 Brett blend to create a dry beer with a bright and complex fruit-forward flavor and aroma, accompanied by some funk. All strains were identified as ''B. bruxellensis'' <ref name="TYB_Blends"></ref>. Making a starter is fine despite the instructions advising against it on the vial and will not greatly effect the character of the final beer <ref name="TYB_starter_is_ok" />.

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