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4 bytes added, 11:07, 18 January 2017
Updated "infected" to "contaminated"
===Environment and Survival===
''Brettanomyces'' has been identified on the skins of fruit (on the skins of cider apples and wine grapes for example) <ref name="smith_divol_2016"></ref><ref name="Schifferdecker"></ref>, as well as vectors (insects) <ref name="Steensels">[ Brettanomyces yeasts — From spoilage organisms to valuable contributors to industrial fermentations. Jan Steensels, Luk Daenen, Philippe Malcorps, Guy Derdelinckx, Hubert Verachtert, Kevin J. Verstrepen. International Journal of Food Microbiology Volume 206, 3 August 2015, Pages 24–38.]</ref>. ''Brettanomyces'' is not considered to be airborne, however studies have found a very small amount of cells in the air at wineries where wine with ''Brettanomyces'' in it was being handled (most of the yeasts found in the air were ''Aureobasidium'' and ''Cryptococcus'', which aren't considered spoilage organisms in beer and wine). These set of studies also determined that very specific methodology was needed in order capture Brett from the air, and indicated that the yeast was "stressed". <ref>[ Screening of yeast mycoflora in winery air samples and their risk of wine contamination. E. Ocón, P. Garijo, S. Sanz, C. Olarte, R. López, P. Santamaría, A.R. Gutiérrez. Food Control Volume 34, Issue 2, December 2013, Pages 261–267.]</ref>. While it is possible for ''Brettanomyces'' to be briefly carried by gusts of air, it only happens in the vicinity where the ''Brettanomyces'' beer or wine is being bottled (more so) or is actively fermenting (less so). Good cleaning and sanitation, and cold temperatures should be employed to keep ''Brettanomyces'' from infecting contaminating other equipment, however flying insects are also a likely cause for contamination of ''Brettanomyces''.
''Brettanomyces'' is commonly isolated from the surface of wood structures within breweries, wineries, and sometimes cideries. These include structures such as wooden fermentation vessels, walls of the building, as well as the inside surface of wood barrels and actually buried within the wood of barrels. Some strains are able to utilize the cellulose of the wood as a carbon source. Although the role of ''Brettanomyces'' appears to be limited in distillation, it has been isolated during the fermentation process of tequila making. It has also been isolated from drains, pumps, transfer hoses, and other equipment that is difficult to sanitize. The survivability of ''Brettanomyces'' has also partly been attributed to its ability to form a [ biofilm] (in particular ''B. bruxellensis''). Microorganisms that can form a biofilm are more resistant to chemical cleaning agents and sanitizers than those that don't. ''Brettanomyces'' has therefore been identified as a significant contaminate for breweries and wineries. Oak barrels from wineries with unsanitary practices in particular have been identified as common contamination sites for ''B. bruxellensis''. ''Brettanomyces'' is also commonly found in sherry, and is found (although only rarely) in olive production, lemonade, kombucha, yogurt, pickles, and soft drinks. ''B. anomalus'' and ''B. bruxellensis'' are generally found much more commonly than the other three species of ''Brettanomyces''. <ref name="smith_divol_2016">[ Brettanomyces bruxellensis, a survivalist prepared for the wine apocalypse and other beverages. Brendan D. Smith, Benoit Divol. June 2016.]</ref>.

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