,added new Fermentation nation interview with David Thornton
| [http://fermentationnation.net/2015/11/episode-27-live-saluds-sourfest-3-funkonia/ Live @ Salud’s SourFest #3: Funkonia] || 2015-11 || We chat with NC/ATL breweries; Burial Brewery, NoDa Brewery, Fonta Flora, Green Man, Wrecking Bar, Salud, Unknown Brewery, Heist Brewery, Appalachian Mountain Brewery,Shawn McBride & Denny Deaton from the new Salud Nano brewery, Pinky, and Jay Weezie from Cheers Charlotte plus more!
| [http://fermentationnation.net/2016/05/roadshow-2-visiting-carolina-baernhouse-and-southyeast-labs/ Visiting Carolina Bauernhaus and SouthYeast Labs] || 2016-05 || We sit down with Head Brewer/Co-Owner Keston to discuss the wonderful beers they are brewing, all with locally sourced yeast. We also discuss some of their brewing and blending practices. Next we dive into capturing and processing wild yeast with David Thornton of SouthYeast Labs and later in the show Even Skjervold of SouthYeast joins us to talk about how they got started.