,added BBR podcast NZ Kelly Ryan of Fork and Brewer
| [http://traffic.libsyn.com/basicbrewing/bbr04-21-16sourpanel.mp3 NZ Sour Panel] || 2016-04 || In this panel from the New Zealand Homebrewers Conference, pro and home brewers share advice and experience in brewing delicious sour beers. Panel includes brewers from MOA Brewing Company, 8 Wired Brewing Company, 32 North Brewing Company, and Chris Colby.
| [http://traffic.libsyn.com/basicbrewing/bbr06-02-16kellyryan.mp3 NZ Kelly Ryan of Fork and Brewer] || 2016-06 || Roving reporter Will Gallaspy from 32 North Brewing Co in San Diego picks the brain of Kelly Ryan, brewer at Fork and Brewer in Wellington, New Zealand, about sour brewing. Kelly has a background in microbiology, and this interview is yeast and bacteria-centric.