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A '''foeder''' (pronounced FOOD-er) is the Dutch word for a large wooden barrel set vertically and used for either long term fermentation or primary fermentation. In Dutch, the synonym "vaten" is often used, which translates to English as "vat". The term "vat" is used in the United Kingdom. It sometimes spelled "foudre" or "foedre" by some American breweries(the word "foudre" in French mean "thunderbolt" <ref>[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foudre Foudre. French Wikipedia. Retrieved 10/23/2019.]</ref>). A foeder can range in size from home brewer to commercial scale <ref>[https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodenbach_(brouwerij) Dutch Wikipedia. Rodenbach (brouwerij). Retrieved 10/23/2019.]</ref><ref>[http://zythophile.co.uk/2019/10/18/do-you-gyle-your-ale-after-it-leaves-the-cooler-and-finishes-fermenting-in-the-vat-or-krausen-your-beer-post-coolship-when-its-run-out-of-the-foeder Martyn Cornell. Zythophile magazine. 10/18/2019. Retrieved 10/23/2019.]</ref><ref>[http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2019/05/runners-and-keepers.html Ron Pattenson. Shut Up About Barclay Perkins blog. 05/10/2019. Retrieved 10/23/2019.]</ref>.