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Note regarding Granvin strains: Preiss is still trying to sort out which Granvin yeasts are duplicates and which are unique.
==Recent Yeast Lab Analysisand Commercial Availability==
[[File:Kveik microscope.jpg|thumbnail|right|The dried kveik samples (Stordal) showed much better viability/cell health (less granulated/wrinkly appearance) than the liquid samples (eg Hornidal). However, some of the liquid samples were pretty healthy too (Voss). Source [https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205280742451727&set=gm.1336954522999425&type=3&permPage=1&ifg=1 Richard Preiss of Escarpment Labs].]]
* [http://www.omegayeast.com/portfolio/voss-kveik/ Omega Yeast Labs as "Voss Kveik" OYL-062 (commercial pitches only).]
* [http://www.theyeastbay.com/brewers-yeast-products/sigmunds-voss-kveik The Yeast Bay Sigmund's Voss Kveik.]
The full culture with all strains is available from [[Saccharomyces#Mainiacal_Yeast|Mainiacal Yeast]].
====Tips For Use====