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''Oenococcus oeni'' is considered the primary MLF bacteria in wine because it can withstand the harsh conditions of wine. Other lactic acid bacteria besides ''O. oeni'' also have some malolactic fermentation capabilities. ''Pedioccocus[[Pediococcus]]'', [[Nonconventional_Yeasts_and_Bacteria#Leuconostoc|''Leuconostoc'' ]] and ''[[Lactobacillus]]'' species are often present at the beginning of MLF, but generally die off in wine towards the end of MLF. These genre are generally seen as spoilage species that create off-flavors in wine and cider making, specifically [[Pediococcus#.22Ropy.22_or_.22Sick.22_Beer|exopolysaccharide (ropy)]] production and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biogenic_amine#Determination_of_biogenic_amines_in_wines biogenic amines]. Despite this general rule, some strains of ''P. damnosus'' have been found to positively affect Albariño and Caiño white wines due to their ability to perform MLF, and dominated over inoculations of ''O. oeni''. The strains used were ones that did not produce exopolysaccharides or biogenic amines, and were determined to have a positive influence on the white wine <ref>[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jam.12392/full Effect of malolactic fermentation by Pediococcus damnosus on the composition and sensory profile of Albariño and Caiño white wines. M. Juega, A. Costantini, F. Bonello, M.-C. Cravero, A.J. Martinez-Rodriguez, A.V. Carraschosa, E. Garcia-Moruno. 2013.]</ref>.
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