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Some commercial probiotics have been successfully used to produce ''Lactobacillus'' cultures (many brands have also failed at providing usable bacteria according to some homebrewers <ref>[http://www.reddit.com/r/Homebrewing/comments/32tny4/probiotic_lacto_for_souring/cqej952 Conversation on Reddit. April 2015.]</ref>). Probiotics that are classified as "dietary supplements", as opposed to "drugs", may not be as free of contaminates as pure cultures from brewing industry yeast labs <ref>[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3294522/ Regulatory Oversight and Safety of Probiotic Use. Veena Venugopalan, Kimberly A. Shriner, and Annie Wong-Beringer. Nov 2010.]</ref>. The following probiotics are examples of brands, methods, and results that MTF members have had <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1075891152439098/ Conversation on MTF about using Probiotics. 5/22/2015.]</ref>. Dried forms of ''Lactobacillus'' should be stored refrigerated because viability has been seen to decrease as much as 80x when stored at room temperatures <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1067614393266774/ Conversation with Bryan of Sui Generis Blog on Milk The Funk. 05/04/2015.]</ref>. Use only fresh products whenever possible (viability of ''Lactobacillus'' drops quickly over time in general), avoid products that have been stored at room temperature (pill and liquid format), and don't bother using expired products <ref>[http://goodbelly.com/faq/ GoodBelly FAQ. Retrieved 07/23/2016.]</ref>. Making a starter is a good way to ensure that the cells are still viable.
See [http://suigenerisbrewing.blogspot.ca/2015/07/choosing-right-probiotics-for-souring.html this Sui Generis Blog article on which Probiotics to avoid based on the genera of microbes they contain]. Probiotics should have their contents listed plainly on their packaging. Avoid probiotics for animals as they tend to contain organisms that produce off-flavors such as ''Enterococcus'', ''Clostridium'', or ''Bacillus'' <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1195902047104674/?comment_id=1195949307099948&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Conversation with DeWayne Schaaf on MTF. 12/17/2015.]</ref>. Also avoid any probiotics that have ''Saccharomyces'' species in them because lactic acid bacteria can have a tough time quickly producing acidity if it is competeing with an active yeast fermentation.
===MTF "Reverse Kettle Sour"===