added to Microbiology and Science "Geneticist Maitreya Dunham shares isolates of a new hybrid species of ''Pichia'' and other isolates from Epic Ales sour program."
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| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1772924069402466/ Geneticist Maitreya Dunham shares isolates of a new hybrid species of ''Pichia'' and other isolates from Epic Ales sour program.] || Rafael Oliveira || 07/28/2017
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/?multi_permalinks=1753001588061381¬if_t=group_activity¬if_id=1499813875157880 Culturing ''Brettanomyces'' from ~40 year old commercial German Berliner Weisse bottles.] || Richard Preiss || 07/11/2017