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The above stated, it might be possible to make an educated guess as to the genus of a microbe that produced a pellicle if there was a controlled study (same wort, same incubation conditions, etc.) that examined the visual differences between pellicles formed by different genre of microbes. Unfortunately, such a study has not been performed that we know of. Therefore, it is currently unknown if the genus of a contaminating microbe can be determined based on the visual appearance of the pellicle alone, though it is probably unlikely <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1153845284643684/?comment_id=1153891934639019&reply_comment_id=1154095574618655&total_comments=5&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R2%22%7D Conversation with Richard Preiss and others on MTF. 09/24/2015.]</ref>.
* See also [[Wild_Yeast_Isolation#Growing_and_Testing_Without_Plating|Wild Yeast isolation]] for more information on pellicles and wild yeast isolation, pellicles, and safety.