,added note on hops and alcohol in regards to mold
===Preventing Mold Growth===
* If aging sour beer on whole fruit, use a punch-down tool frequently so that the alcohol and low pH kills any mold that might be present before it begins to grow. CO2 may be helping the fruit to float, and punching-down the fruit will help to release that CO2. Homebrewers can gently swirl their carboys to accomplish the same thing.
* Limit oxygen exposure to the beer.
* Use diligent sanitation practices.
* Inspect barrels for mold prior to use; discard barrels that have mold growth, or disassemble the barrel and vigorously clean/sanitize the wood before use. See the [[Barrel]] page for details on storing and maintaining barrels.
* Mold is tolerant of both hops and alcohol levels above what is in beer (50-60% ABV), so do not rely on hops or alcohol to prevent mold growth <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1659565197405021/?comment_id=1659593000735574&reply_comment_id=1660625513965656&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Bryan of Sui Generis blog. Milk The Funk Facebook group. 04/21/2017.]</ref>.
===Health Concerns===