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| [http://heritageradionetwork.org/podcast/homebrew-con-2016-recap/ HomebrewCon 2016 Recap] || 2016-06 || Interview with several members of Milk The Funk during the MTF Meetup at HomebrewCon 2016.
| [http://heritageradionetwork.org/podcast/great-grisettes-with-dave-janssen/ Great Grisettes with Dave Janssen ] || 2016-10 || Today on Fuhmentaboudit, we talk to Dave Janssen of Hors Catégorie Brewing. Dave speaks to the history of grisettes, how to brew your own, and mixed fermentations. He also shares his recommendations for a perfect day in Belgium.
| [http://heritageradionetwork.org/podcast/the-culture-of-bierkulture/ Interview with German brewer Sebastian Sauer of Freigeist Bierkultur] || 2016-10 || Historical German styles, and modern day German craftbeer culture.