,added sensory information from Richard Preiss
[http://www.omegayeast.com/ Omega Yeast Labs] describes their two isolates as being non-phenolic and fruity, and complimenting of American citrus hops. They also note that the yeast has a very high temperature range (~68-98°F or ~20-37°C), attenuates high, tends to flocculate well, and also tends to ferment faster at the mid to high temperature ranges, while producing similar ester profiles throughout the entire temperature range.
Richard Preiss from [[Escarpment Laboratories]] shared his sensory notes after doing trial fermentations with various kveik strains/cultures. Fermentations were at 30°C in standard wort (1.050, 20IBU) with single strains, not the mixed cultures. 2/3 tasters were blind to the beers and order prior to tasting. This is a single data point on sensory information <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1336954522999425/?comment_id=1407412439286966&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Sensory data on kveik strains shared by Richard Preiss on MTF. 09/15/2016.]</ref>:
* Sykkylven 1 - clean, fruity, malty, rum-like. big, round, malty, slightly hot
* Sykkylven 2 - subtle fruit, malt accented, slightly lagery-sulfury, lightly floral. medium body
* Laerdal 2 (Laerdal 1 - data not available) - Lightly fruity, slight rubber, floral, sweet taste
* Stranda 1 - citrus, red apple, very clean and dry, balanced
* Stordal (framgarden) 1 - big citrus ester, slightly hot, red apple, floral, malty
* Stordal (framgarden) 2 - red apple, slight crisp/sulfury (pleasant) lagery character, floral, slight tropical fruit, slight tartness
* Stordal (ebbegarden) 1 - rum-like, slightly hot, medium mixed esters, round and malty
* Stordal (ebbegarden) 2 - Christmasy, citrus, red apple, floral, clean and balanced flavour
* Muri 1 - Earthy, herbal, sulfury, apple, pear, very slight clove, not super dry despite ridiculous attenuation (~95%)
* Voss (Gjernes) 1 - Orange, floral, balanced flavour, good body
* Voss (Gjernes) 2 - Cidery, floral, slight earthiness, slight orange, clean, dry
* Hornidal 1 - Tropical, pineapple, rum-like, caramel, citrus, balanced malt/hop
* Hornidal 2 - Floral, rose-like, sulfury, orange, rum-like, very malt accented
* Hornidal 3 - Orange, red apple, rum-like, caramel, balanced
* Granvin 1 - Lower intensity orange, red apple, slight pineapple, textbook “Kveiky”, balanced
* Granvin 2 - Balanced esters, not as intense - citrus, slight (pleasant) sulfur, dry and thin
* Granvin 3 - very muted aroma, clean flavour
* Granvin 4 - floral (rose), honey, slight diacetyl, medium-low esters, complex but not necessarily good
* Granvin 5 - light fruit, light floral, rubber, sweet taste.
* Granvin 6 - fruity, floral, rum-like, citrus, slight diacetyl, balanced flavour
* Granvin 7 - Slight fruity, very thin and astringent
* WLP001 (control) - very fusely/hot, subtle floral note.
Note regarding Granvin strains: Preiss is still trying to sort out which Granvin yeasts are duplicates and which are unique.
==Recent Yeast Lab Analysis==