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! Ester !! Precursors !! Flavor/Odor Threshold !! Notes
| Ethyl acetate (Fruity, Solventy) || Acetic Acid || 33ppm (odor), 100ppm (flavor) || High flavor threshold; pear-like in low amounts and nail polish in high amounts. Increases production with higher temperatures and oxygen
| Ethyl lactate (Fruity, buttery) || Lactic Acid || 0.2 ppm-1.66 ppm (odor) <ref>[http://hazmap.nlm.nih.gov/category-details?id=1179&table=copytblagents Haz-Map, Ethyl Lactate odor threshold.]</ref> || Increases production with higher amounts of Lactic Acid
| Phenethyl acetate (Sweet, Honey, Rose flower like) || Acetyl-CoA, 2-phenylethanol || 20ppm 3-5ppm (odor), 5-10ppm (flavor) <ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=A8OyTzGGJhYC&pg=PA1521&lpg=PA1521&dq=Phenethyl+acetate+flavor+threshold&source=bl&ots=Ygvq_JFvhQ&sig=06Lj57fWYemcXizkEHnYzwfOXX8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Zz-nVOPCKI61oQSFwIGABQ&ved=0CEAQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=Phenethyl%20acetate%20flavor%20threshold&f=false Burdock, George A]. Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Fifth Edition. CRC Press. 2005. pg 1521. </ref> || <ref>[http://www.ymdb.ca/compounds/YMDB00574 YMDB]. Phenethyl acetate.</ref>
| Ethyl butyrate (Pineapple) || [[Butyric Acid]] || || Low levels of production by some species of Brettanomyces; production decreases with higher acidity <ref>[http://www.brettanomycesproject.com/dissertation/pure-culture-fermentation/pure-culture-fermentation-discussion/ Yakobson, Chad]. Pure Culture Fermentation Characteristics of Brettanomyces Yeast Species and Their Use in the Brewing Industry. Pure Culture Fermentation Discussion. 2011.</ref>