,added "Turbid Mashing" to Sunday Session list
| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/membersarchive/ses_2015_05_04_freewill.mp3 Free Will Brewing Co.] || 2015-05 || Interview with John Stemler of Free Will Brewing Company. Sour information starts at about 1:27:00, and lasts for about 40 minutes. Covers an array of topics, including fruit and dark sours.
| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/session-turbid-mashing/ Turbid Mashing] || 2016-07 || Matt Sager and Vinnie Delucchi from DOZE conducted a brewing experiment to determine if going through the lengthy steps of a turbid mash are worth the result in lambic beer. Listen in and learn about the process of turbid mashing and how they worked their brew day to get the best results possible. Also a link to their powerpoint presentation. Interview starts at ~43 minutes in.