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| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/brewing-with-style-belgian-specialty/ Brewing With Style: Belgian Specialty] || 2016-01 || In this episode of Brewing With Style, Jamil and Tasty discuss BJCP Category 16E (2008 Guidelines) – Belgian Specialty Ale. This category can really run the gamut in terms of style and is typically characterized with fruity esters and spicy phenols. The beer can include spice additions, as well as wild yeast like Brettanomyces and/or Lactobacillus.
| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/brewing-with-style-straight-lambic/ Brewing with Style: Straight Lambic] || 2016-03 || In this episode of Brewing With Style, Jamil and Tasty discuss the often misunderstood style, Straight Lambic, category 17D in the BJCP Guidelines. As the sour beer craze races on, straight lambic remains the foundation and staple of the sour beer world. This unblended, historic example of beer that is produced with wild yeast and bacteria, can hold up for years if cared for properly and offers beer fans a unique experience and small step into the world of sour beer. Tune in and learn how they are made, which commercial examples are worth trying, and how you can homebrew or craft brew one yourself. Jamil and Tasty taste several homebrewed lambic-style sours from MTF member, Andy carterCarter.