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Using the exact same wort composition but with a 60 minute boil, this example in "Principles of Brewing Science: A Study of Serious Brewing Issues" computes only 92 µg/L of DMS, mostly because a lot more of the SMM is converted to DMS during boiling, which is then volatilized during the boiling, and leaving less SMM to convert to DMS during cooling. Even with the higher SMM during cooling in our heat pasteurized wort example, that hardly seems fair considering that the half-life of SMM is ~300 minutes at the pasteurization temperature of 82°C.
===Using Just Half-Life and New Updated Volatilization Equations===
If instead we just use the first equation that predicted how much SMM is decomposed into DMS during the heat pasteurization time, we get a much lower value of SMM that is decomposed into DMS. This approach takes into consideration the [[Dimethyl_Sulfide#Mashing_and_Boiling|half-life of SMM]] at any given temperature rather than taking the average of the starting temperature and ending temperature during cooling. [https://www.facebook.com/mark.hammond.1253 Mark Hammond] from MTF used a computer program to model the conversion of SMM to DMS based on SMM half-life at any given temperature. The new equations from [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jib.301/full "Scheuren, Baldus, Methner and Dillenburge (2016): Evaporation behaviour of DMS in an aqueous solution at infinite dilution – a review"] were used to determine the evaporation of DMS during the cooling time (this assumes an open cooling system; closed cooling systems will retain this DMS). Hammond assumed a linear heating rate, and used Newton's Law of Cooling for the cooling rate. By observing these estimations, it can be seen that no-boil or "raw ale", and wort boiled for short durations, we predict Hammond predicts less DMS than what is predicted using the traditional model.
For the DMS amounts in the following graphs, Hammond calculated the mass of DMS to be 62/164 of a gram of DMS for every gram of SMM decomposed. Since we get one molecule of DMS (62 g/mole) from each molecules of SMM (164 g/mole), we don't get one for one mass of DMS for SMM. Keep that in mind when comparing the decline in the SMM concentration graph to the DMS concentration graph <ref name="hammond">Private correspondence between Mark Hammond and Dan Pixley. 03/15/2016 - 03/23/2016.</ref>. [[File:DMS Pasteurization.png|none|thumb|500px|SMM conversion to DMS during a 20 minute heat up, 15 minute pasteurization at 82°C, and 60 minute cool down to 20°C. Graph created and provided by [https://www.facebook.com/mark.hammond.1253 Mark Hammond].]]
In the above computer generated graph based on the half-life rates of SMM, only ~60 µg/L of SMM is converted into ~60 µg/L of DMS. This is below the recommended threshold of 100 µg/L of DMS that should be allowed to enter the fermenter <ref name="Scheuren2016mbaa"></ref>.
Hammond also generated graphs for a 15 minute boil and a "0 minute" boil (wort heated to 100°C, then immediately cooled). These graphs are seen below:
[[File:DMS 15MinBoil.png|none|thumb|500px|SMM conversion to DMS during a 35 minute heat up, 15 minute boil at 100°C, and 60 minute cool down to 20°C. Graph created and provided by [https://www.facebook.com/mark.hammond.1253 Mark Hammond].]][[File:DMS 0MinBoil.png|none|thumb|500px|SMM conversion to DMS during a 35 minute heat up to boiling temperature (100°C), then immediate cooling for 60 minutes to 20°C ("0 minute" boil). Graph created and provided by [https://www.facebook.com/mark.hammond.1253 Mark Hammond].]]
In the case of the 15 minute boil, approximately 400 µg/L of SMM is converted into approximately 400 µg/L of DMS. During the boiling process, it could be assumed that much of the DMS is volatilized due to the boil. In the case of the "0 minute" boil, approximately 175 µg/L of SMM is converted into approximately 175 µg/L of DMS. DMS continues to volatilize below boiling temperatures (see [[Dimethyl_Sulfide#Volatility_of_DMS|DMS Volatility]]), so some evaporation of the created DMS will still occur in the "0 minute" example in an open cooling system.
For comparison sake, a graph of a 60 minute boil is shown below:
[[File:DMS 60Minute.png|none|thumb|500px|SMM conversion to DMS during a 35 minute heat up, 60 minute boil at 100°C, and 60 minute cool down to 20°C. Graph created and provided by [https://www.facebook.com/mark.hammond.1253 Mark Hammond].]]
===Kettle Souring and Effects of pH===