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* Get review on [[Dimethyl_Sulfide#DMS_Prediction_Models|DMS Prediction Models]] section.
'''Dimethyl sulfide (DMS)''', sometimes spelled "dimethyl sulphide" <ref name="pubchem"></ref>, is the simplest type of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thioether thioether] <ref name="Scheuren2016">[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jib.301/full Evaporation behaviour of DMS in an aqueous solution at infinite dilution – a review. H. Scheuren, M. Baldus, F.-J. Methner and M. Dillenburger. 2016]</ref>, which are sulfur containing oils that are generally considered off-putting in beer <ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thioether Wikipedia. Thioether. Retrieved 03/01/2016.]</ref><ref name="Anness">[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.2050-0416.1982.tb04101.x/abstract DIMETHYL SULPHIDE—A REVIEW. B. J. Anness andC. W. Bamforth. 1982.]</ref>. The flavor and aroma of DMS have been characterized as being like cooked sweetcorn or , tomato sauce, and celery. In beer, it is sometimes confused with methyl thiocetate, ethanethiol, and dimethyl trisulphide. DMS in beer originates from malt-derived precursors, S-methyl methionine (SMM) and dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), and to a lesser extent can be formed during fermentation by certain microbes <ref name="aroxa">[http://www.aroxa.com/beer/beer-flavour-standard/dimethyl-sulphide/ Aroxa. Dimethyl sulphide. Retrieved 03/01/2016.]</ref>. Small amounts of DMS have also been found in hops, which is volatilized during boiling <ref>[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jib.156/abstract Decomposition kinetics of dimethyl sulfide. H. Scheuren, J. Tippmann, F.-J. Methner, and, K. Sommer. 2014.]</ref>. The flavor threshold of DMS is 30-50 µg/liter. Low levels above threshold between 30-100 µg/liter are considered acceptable and even beneficial to some lagers in the United Kingdom (but not in Germany) <ref name="beersmith"></ref> (~25 minutes in), and maybe some traditional farmhouse ales that are not boiled (see [[Dimethyl_Sulfide#Considerations_for_Historical_Examples_of_Raw_Ale|Considerations for Historical Examples of Raw Ale]]). However, amounts above 100 µg/liter are generally considered offensive for any beer. Ales typically have below the flavor threshold of DMS <ref name="Anness"></ref>. The basis of the understanding of DMS and it's creation in beer was uncovered in the late 70's and early 80's. DMS is a common compound found throughout nature, including having an importance in cycling sulfur in ecosystems involving algae and other microbes, hypothesized to help helping the navigation of seabirds, and is found in many foods such as corn, cabbage, parsley, asparagus, potatoes, beef, Camembert cheese, fish (carp), tea, cocoa, milk, wine, rum, beetroot, black truffles, and seafood <ref name="Scheuren2016"></ref><ref name="bamforth">[http://www.asbcnet.org/publications/journal/vol/abstracts/ASBCJ-2014-0610-01.htm Dimethyl Sulfide – Significance, Origins, and Control. Charles W. Bamforth. 2014.]</ref>.
==Production from Malt==
===SMM Precursor===
The primary source for DMS in beer (as well as cooked vegetables) is caused by the decomposition of SMM into DMS. This decomposition is caused by heat above ~80°C. Levels of SMM in raw barley are initially low, but as the barley is malted the SMM precursor is formed inside the malt. Many factors influence the amount of SMM found in malted barley. SMM amounts are correlated with nitrogen amounts. The longer the barley is stored before malting, the more SMM will be produced. The majority of SMM in malted barley, however, is determined by how the malt is kilned. During kilning temperatures above 70°C the SMM is partially broken down into DMS, and homoserine (isothreonine). Some of the DMS is quickly driven off by the high temperatures of kilning due to it's high volatility, but the DMS present during kilning can also be oxidized into [[Dimethyl_Sulfide#DMSO_Precursor_and_Effects_of_Fermentation|DMSO]]. The lower the temperatures are during kilning (such as for pilsner malt), the more the SMM precursor is retained in the malted barley <ref name="Anness"></ref><ref name="Scheuren2016"></ref>.
====Mashing and Boiling====
The largest contribution of DMS from SMM is after boiling the wort, and during the chilling process. SMM continues to breakdown into DMS after boiling and before the wort is completely chilled. DMS formed during this time is mostly retained in the wort due to the wort being still, especially in a closed cooling system where evaporation is prevented completely. Once the wort reaches a temperature of 80-85°C, the decomposition of SMM into DMS is greatly reduced <ref name="Anness"></ref>. It has been shown that a longer boil will help decompose the SMM and drive off DMS <ref>[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.2050-0416.1979.tb06845.x/abstract CONTROL OF THE DIMETHYL SULPHIDE CONTENT OF BEER BY REGULATION OF THE COPPER BOIL. R. J. H. Wilson andC. D. Booer. 1979.]</ref>, however if the level of SMM in the malt is high (3-8 µg DMS equivalents/g malt) and more than 50 µg DMS equivalents/liter of SMM survives the boil, then reducing the time in the whirlpool where the wort sits above 80°C can help reduce the amount of DMS in the finished beer. SMM that is not decomposed into DMS during the boil/whirlpool and survives going into the fermenter is not metabolized by yeast, but is also not decomposed into DMS (typical brewing conditions result in little SMM going into the fermenter) <ref name="Anness"></ref><ref name="bamforth"></ref>.
DMS is very volatile, and evaporates easily at temperatures below boiling (80°C, for example), and assuming the wort is not in a closed system, will evaporate off even if the wort is not boiling. Scheuren et al. (2016) determined that there is not a significant difference in DMS evaporation in water versus wort, and came up with equations for determining the evaporation of DMS in water using laws of thermodynamics. They also established that the volatility of DMS is the same regardless of the concentration of DMS, and that it is effected by temperature and atmospheric pressure <ref name="Scheuren2016"></ref>.
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