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[http://www.garshol.priv.no/blog/331.html Raw ale], also referred to as "no-boil", is a method of wort production that involves not boiling the wort, or perhaps by some definitions, short boils <ref name="larsblog">[http://www.garshol.priv.no/blog/331.html Raw ale. Lars Marius Garshol. Larsblog. 06/05/2016. Retrieved 03/02/2016.]</ref>. Although mainly a historical method of brewing, this style of brewing has recently become popular in the production of [[Berliner Weissbier]] and other styles of beer using [[Sour_Worting|sour worting or kettle souring]] methods. Many recipes for these styles of beer call for pilsner malts to be used, which can contain higher amounts of SMM precursor. An often asked question about no-boil/raw ales and wort boiled for 15 minutes or less is: are there concerns about DMS production?
The specific nature of DMS (or lack of) formation in no-boil/raw ale has not been widely explored by science. We will attempt to explain the variables at play here both on the homebrew and commercial brewing scale. When boiling smaller volumes of wort, for example on the homebrew scale versus a large commercial scale, there is a larger surface area to volume ratio. This larger surface area to volume ratio allows for more evaporation and volatilization of DMS to occur <ref name="beersmith">[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDBKUCkg8cM Boiling Home Brewed Beer with Dr Charlie Bamforth - BeerSmith Podcast #121.]</ref> (~30 minutes in). Smaller fermenters would also benefit from a larger surface area to volume ratio since fermentation helps to volatilize DMS. This may account for the general lack of DMS reported in homebrewed and small-scale farmhouse beer <ref>[http://brulosophy.com/2015/10/08/update-lab-data-on-pils-malt-boil-length-exbeeriment/ "Update: Lab Data on Pils Malt Boil Length Exbeeriment" on Brulosophy. Retrieved 03/08/2016.]</ref><ref>[http://beerandwinejournal.com/30-min-boil/ "All Grain Pale Ale 30-Minute Boil Experiments" by James Spencer on Beer & Wine Journal. 06/24/2015. Retrieved 03/08/2016.]</ref><ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1243791188982426/ Discussion on MTF regarding DMS in raw ale/no boil/short boils. 03/01/2016.]</ref><ref name="larsblog"></ref>.
===Avoiding DMS===
* Increase fermentation temperature <ref name="bamforth"></ref>.
* Allow the beer to age longer.
* Use more highly kilned malts such as 2 row instead of pilsner malt.
==See Also==