,added links to Jeffrey Crane's guide to oak alternatives (so far)
'''Lumber Stores''' - Some woods traditionally used in barrels such as oak go through a prolonged curing process before being formed into a barrel and toasted. If you are trying to use one of these woods, be aware that just getting wood from a lumber store and toasting it yourself will not give the same results as properly cured woods used to make barrels and barrel alternative products. Lumber stores can be good resources for finding some 'exotic' non-traditional woods to use in their beers. For brewers interested in this we recommend [https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/attachments/presentations/audio/2013/1715-21%20Alternative%20Wood%20Aging%20Techniques%20rpt%20-%20John%20Gasparine.mp3 this presentation] from the 2013 National Homebrewers Conference given by John Gasparine (must be an AHA member to access). Note that some woods may contain compounds not safe for consumption so be careful and research your woods before you use them.
* See also Jeffrey Crane's guide to oak aging alternatives: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/ part 1], [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/ part 2], and the other parts Jeff will never finish.
==Toast level and Volume==