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==Microbial Populations on Barley==
===Malting Process===
Microbial communities found on barley are very diverse and change significantly throughout the malting process, with more diversity occurring further along in the malting process. In the barley fields, Gram-negative bacteria (especially ''Erwinia herbicola'') are abundant. Climate is said to have the most impact on which species grow in barley fields. For example ''Fusarium'' species are encouraged by high humidity, and are associated with mycotoxins and gushing problems in beer. During dry storage of barley, spore forming bacteria tend to survive. Xerophilic fungi (fungi that doesn't need much water) also survive on dry barley during storage <ref name="Lievens1">[,%2022-31..pdf Microfl ora during Malting of Barley: Overview and Impact on Malt Quality. A. Justé, S. Malfl iet, M. Lenaerts, L. de Cooman, G. Aerts, K. A. Willems and B. Lievens. 2011.]</ref>.

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