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Temperature resistance varies from species to species of ''Clostridium''. Most species have an optimal growth at around 104°F (37°C) <ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=bA9tAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA232&lpg=PA232&dq=clostridium+butyricum++temperature+range&source=bl&ots=JQLbTobiNS&sig=qfc-2rsj3zOXHf4pGpvP6PW1A90&hl=en&sa=X&ei=-weGVbW-E8WeNtK4gfgP&ved=0CCQQ6AEwATgU#v=onepage&q=clostridium%20butyricum%20%20temperature%20range&f=false Textbook of Microbiology & Immunology. Subhash Chandra Parija. 2nd Edition. Feb 10, 2014.]</ref>. However, ''C. thermosaccharolyticum'' can survive temperatures as hot as 149°F (65°C). Additionally, spores of some species of ''Clostridium'' (such as ''C. tertium'') can survive boiling temperatures for longer than 1.5 hours <ref name="Hawthorne"></ref>.
Although ''C. botulinum'' and other identifiably pathogenic ''Clostridium'' species do not tend to grow in [[Sour Mashing]] conditions, it is advisable to not consume wort produced from a sour mash until after it is boiled. Seek specific food and safety advice from a physician, not this wiki.
===Megasphaera spp===