,added Jeff Crane's extended version of Tonsmeire's blending spreadsheet
# A blend may not always taste the same once conditioned and carbonated.
# When blending a clean beer with sour beers, allow for additional fermentation to occur. Don't make any assumptions about a low final gravity of a clean beer - the Brett will probably find something to ferment.
# Make use of [http://www.themadfermentationist.com/2014/07/priming-barrel-aged-and-blended-sour.html Michael Tonsmeire's Blending Priming Calculator] if possible(or the [http://jeffreycrane.blogspot.com/2015/06/blending-calculator-ph-abv-and.html extended version by Jeff Crane].
# To lower the acidity of a beer with a blending method, use a beer fermented with Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces (and without Lactic Acid Bacteria). You can also add water to cut down on acidity. A very small amount of non-sour beer will greatly reduce the acidity in a highly sour beer because the pH scale is logarithmic.