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495 bytes added, 20 January
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| [ Podcast Episode 368: De Dolle’s Kris Herteleer Takes a Natural Approach to High-Gravity Belgian Ales.] || 2024-07 || De Dolle Brouwers has a reputation for colorful branding and characterful, high-gravity beers that hold up beautifully in the cellar. Yet their process is intentionally laborious and layered, from the coolship and Baudelot cooler to the open copper fermentors and more in an old, classic Flemish brewhouse.
| [ Podcast Episode 396: Matt Manthe, Formerly of Odd Breed, Is Drawn to Doing the Hard Things.] || 2025-01 || Drawn to the challenges of complex fermentations, this microbiology major and VLB-trained brewer continues to apply the lesson’s he’s learned about yeast selection, hop load, acidification, Brett acclimation, and more—lessons that could be valuable to any brewer working with mixed cultures.

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