,→Summary of Oxidized Hop Acids
| Hulupones (cohulupone, hulupone) || Beta acids (colupulone, lupulone) || Y || 84% as bitter as iso-alpha-acids (short-lasting alpha-acid-like bitterness); colupulone has a flavor threshold of 7.9 umol/L || Degradation rate of beta acids into hulupones increases with temperature. Has a relatively low absorption in wort (4.8–10.4%). May also degrade into other unknown compounds other than hulupinic acids.
| Hulupinic Acids || Hulupones || Y || Contributes marginal bitterness to beer; flavor threshold of 69 umol/L || Has a relatively low abortion degradation in wort.
| Tricyclocolupone epimers A/B || Beta acids (colupulone) || Y || Contributes long-lasting lingering and harsh bitterness; flavor threshold of 38-54 umol/L || Found to survive the brewing process up to 50% in a Pilsner style beer.