,→Dry Hopping
See also:
* [http://thebrulab.libsyn.com/episode-079-impact-dry-hopping-has-on-bitterness-ibu-and-ph-w-dr-john-paul-maye Bru Lab podcast Episode 079 - Impact Dry Hopping Has On Bitterness, IBU, and pH w/ Dr. John Paul Maye.]
* [https://www.therarebarrel.com/index.cfm?method=blog.blogDrilldown&blogEntryID=8141D6FA-EE78-5BCE-E08E-704DB6EEA279&originalMarketingURL=blog/Dry-hopped--Changing-process-leads-to-bottling The Rare Barrel reports on an anecdote that dry hopping in a less sour beer extracts better hop aroma, and ''Brettanomyces'' preserves the character.]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2358742877487246/ MTF thread by Dave Janssen on experiences with doing long-term dry hopping with noble hops in sour beers.] See also [http://www.horscategoriebrewing.com/2018/11/saison-from-1911-finishing-hops-and.html Dave's research on a 1911 saison that was dry hopped long term].