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==Limitations of TA==
Although a better representation of perceived acidity than pH, titratable acidity has some limitations on accurately measuring perceived acidity in beer. [[Omega_Yeast_Labs|Omega Yeast]] performed [https://topcrop.co/dialing-in-sourness-ph-vs-ta an experiment] to compare pH and TA. While TA represented sensory test results of which samples were more sour than others in many cases, there were some exceptions. For example, beers dosed with the same amount of acetic acid versus lactic acid measured the same TA, but the acetic acid sample measured higher in sour flavor in the sensory test. Different types of beers dosed with the same amount of acid measured the same TA, but they had different sourness levels in the sensory test. Also, beers dosed with double the amount of acid did not necessarily taste twice as sour, meaning that the taste of sourness is not linear with higher TA levels. Omega Yeast concluded that the types of acids can greatly impact the sensory experience of sourness, as well as the base beer. While TA can be a good indicator of sourness, it still cannot replace the human organoleptic system.
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