added long term storage option as per Bryan Heit
Generally, store mixed cultures at a steady, cold temperature. It is best to use a mixed culture before the package's expiration date, but if the mixed culture is stored past it's expiration date, a starter might help increase viability of some or all of the microbes. For storing a mixed culture in the form of a yeast cake or sour beer, see [[Mixed_Fermentation#Storing_a_Yeast_Cake_or_Sample|Storing a yeast cake or sample]] for more information.
According to Dr. Bryan Heit of [https://suigenerisbrewing.com/ Sui Generis Brewing Blog], long term storage on slants is not recommended for mixed cultures because some strains might outgrow other strains during storage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0zluMPcwrY Freezing fresh mixed cultures] with glycerol is a better option for storage up to 2 years <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/posts/5787329431295223/?comment_id=5790587064302793 Dr. Bryan Heit on storing mixed cultures. Milk The Funk Facebook group. 05/18/2022.]</ref>.
==See Also==