,updates to new study on kveik, and added KRISPY from Esarpment to cultures
| Skare || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv41 41] || [[Escarpment Laboratories]] || Skare kveik || Pronounced "scar-uh". Blend of 3 isolated strains from skare kveik. Potentially a one-time release under the lab's monthly "Kveik Ring" kveik release <ref name="escarpment_kveik_special" />
| Skare || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv41 41] || [[Escarpment Laboratories]] || KRISPY || Pronounced "scar-uh". Single isolate. KRISPY can be used to make clean, lager-like beers in a fraction of the time since fermentations can be performed in the 20-30ºC range. Note: Attenuation tends to be slightly lower than some lager strains, so aim to make a highly fermentable wort if you are targeting a dry finish <ref>[https://escarpmentlabs.com/products/krispy Escarpment Labs website. Krispy. Retrieved 08/07/2021.]</ref>.
| Skare || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv41 41] || [[Kveikshop]] || #41 Skare || The full, unpurified (no microbes isolated or removed) culture. Dried format; ships international.