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As Norwegian farmhouse brewers only brew 2-3 times per year, kveik has adapted to being dried and stored for long periods of time in-between usage, which is unique among most domesticated yeast <ref name="garshol_preiss_mbaa" />. Storing the kveik in a dried form allows the yeast to survive longer than if it is kept as a wet slurry, and might help prevent contaminants from surviving. Kveik was often dried on parchment paper and kept in bags in the freezer. Wooden carvings known as a "kveik ring" or a "kveikstokk" were also sometimes used to store dried kveik, although this might be an older practice compared to drying kveik on parchment paper. Using a kveik ring or kveikstokk is simple: drag the kveik ring (more broadly known as a "twisted torus" <ref>[https://www.academia.edu/38819003/Scandinavian_Yeast_Rings_-_the_curious_case_of_the_Twisted_Torus "Scandinavian Yeast Rings - the curious case of the Twisted Torus". Susan Verberg. 2019.]</ref>, or more specifically called a "gjærkrans" or "yeast wreath" in Norwegian when used for yeast <ref>[https://twitter.com/larsga/status/1118151239173328896 Lars Marius Garshol. Twitter feed. 04/16/2019.]</ref>) or kveikstokk through the krausen of a fermenting beer, and then hang the ring/kveikstokk to dry. On the next batch, the ring/kveikstokk is dunked into wort to reactivate the yeast <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1505143962847146/?comment_id=1505145579513651&reply_comment_id=1505163232845219&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Lars Marius garshol. Milk The Funk Facebook group post about using a kveik ring. 2017.]</ref>. Note that not all yeast reacts well to drying. Kveik has this exceptional ability. For example, ''Brettanomyces'' is known to not be tolerant of drying/desiccation <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2237938229567712/?comment_id=2237959286232273&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Justin Amaral. Milk The Funk Facebook group post on kveikstokk and drying ''Brettanomyces''. 08/16/2018.]</ref>.
See [[Kveik#Temperature_and_Growth_Rate|Temperature and Growth Rate]] above for a scientific explanation of why kveik can survive drying while other typical brewing yeast strains cannot.
===Drying Instructions===