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====Temperature and Growth Rate====
While very warm fermentation temperatures have an impact on the speed of potentially attenuation of kveik, temperatures on the higher end of the scale can have a slightly negative impact on the growth rate of some kveik cultures. [https://nmbu.brage.unit.no/nmbu-xmlui/handle/11250/2681970?show=full Aasen's Master's thesis] reported that for all three kveik cultures tested (Ørjasæter, Gamlegrua, and Gausemel) the growth rate was slightly higher when incubated at 22°C and/or 30°C compared to being incubated at 37°C. The cultures tended to reach peak cell growth at around day 2 or 3, and then experienced a slight decline until day 7, with this decline after day 2 or 3 being slightly steeper at the hotter incubation temperature of 37°C. The warmer incubation temperature of 37°C did not result in faster growth than the cooler temperatures of 22°C and/or 30°C. Therefore, for optimal growth of kveik for starters or yeast labs, a temperature of 22°C or 30°C might be optimal for some kveik cultures <ref name="Aasen" />.
[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.26.453768v1 Foster et al. (2021)]
====Temperature and Attenuation====