,→Temperature and Attenuation
Microbiologist and blogger Dmitri Kits [https://www.deuxkanadierbraeu.com/post/is-kveik-thermophilic-or-thermotolerant-fermentation-rates-part-1 reported a preference] for some strains of kveik for higher fermentation temperatures (35°C or 37°C) versus cooler fermentation temperatures (22°C). Both Lallemand Voss and Omega Hornindal blend fermented faster and achieved a higher attenuation at 35°C or 37°C. The Omega Lutra, however, although fermenting only slightly faster at the higher fermentation temperature versus a lower fermentation temperature of 22°C, finished at a slightly higher gravity at the warmer temperature, indicating that it might have experienced heat stress. Kits hypothesized that based on this data, some strains or kveik are thermophilic, meaning they actually prefer a warmer temperature rather than just being tolerant of it, while Lutra could be thermotolerant (tolerates higher temperatures, but prefers to ferment at a lower temperature) <ref>[https://www.deuxkanadierbraeu.com/post/is-kveik-thermophilic-or-thermotolerant-fermentation-rates-part-1 Dmitri Kits. "Are kveik thermophilic or thermotolerant: fermentation rates part 1." DEUX KANADIER BRÄU blog. 02/01/2021. Retrieved 02/03/2021.]</ref>. Kits reported that the optimal fermentation temperature for [https://www.deuxkanadierbraeu.com/post/escarpment-laerdal-optimum-temperature Escarpment Labs Laerdal kveik is 30°C], which is also the temperature that Dagfinn Wendelbo (the original owner) traditionally pitches this yeast at <ref>[https://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv6 Farmhouse yeast registry; FY #6 Lærdal. Lars Marius Garshol. Retrieved 05/06/2021.]</ref>. Kits later reported that the optimal fermentation temperature for [https://www.deuxkanadierbraeu.com/post/omega-lutra-kveik-optimum-temperature-and-performance-review Omega Labs Lutra kveik is 33-34ºC], but can still efficiently attenuate wort at temperatures as high as 40-42ºC, although he reported more more acidity and astringent flavors at 40-42ºC and more body and a cleaner ferment at 20-28ºC.
Comparing fermentation of the three kveik strains to other brewing strains (Mangrove Jack's M15 - Empire Ale, Lallemand Nottingham, Fermentis w-34/70, Lallemand Munich Classic, Mangrove Jack's M44 - West Coast, Mangrove Jack's M31 Belgian Tripel, Fermentis K97 German Ale, and Mangrove Jack's M36 Liberty Bell), Kits reported that at 18-22ºC, the three kveik cultures performed about the same as other ale yeasts, with M15 Empire Ale from Mangrove Jack's and some other ale strains completing fermentation faster than the kveik strains tested. Comparing all of the trials, Lallemand Voss was the fastest fermenting yeast when fermented at 37°C (but much slower at 22°C), followed by M15 Empire Ale from Mangrove Jack's at 22°C, and the third fastest fermentation was Omega Hornindal blend at 35°C <ref>[https://www.deuxkanadierbraeu.com/post/is-kveik-thermophilic-or-thermotolerant-fermentation-rates-part-2 Dmitri Kits. "Are kveik thermophilic or thermotolerant: fermentation rates part 2." DEUX KANADIER BRÄU blog. 02/01/2021. Retrieved 02/03/2021.]</ref>.
Kits reported that the optimal fermentation temperature for [https://www.deuxkanadierbraeu.com/post/escarpment-laerdal-optimum-temperature Escarpment Labs Laerdal kveik is 30°C], which is also the temperature that Dagfinn Wendelbo (the original owner) traditionally pitches this yeast at <ref>[https://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv6 Farmhouse yeast registry; FY #6 Lærdal. Lars Marius Garshol. Retrieved 05/06/2021.]</ref>.
====Temperature and Aromatic and Sensory Compounds====