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===Lactic Acid Bacteria and Wild Yeast Contaminations===
Some of the kveik cultures that are not isolated cultures have reportedly been contaminated with lactic acid bacteria. These contaminations probably occurred during handling of the yeast at some point. See [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2092577524103784/?comment_id=2092603600767843&reply_comment_id=2092693610758842&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Justin Amaral's statements] regarding this issue. The lactic acid bacteria found in contaminated kveik cultures can be inhibited by ~10 IBU <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2117542431607293/?comment_id=2118202468207956&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Justin Amaral. Milk The Funk Facebook group thread about lactic acid bacteria in kveik cultures and sensitivity to IBU. 06/05/2018.]</ref>. Traditionally, if contaminating microorganisms start having an impact on the flavor of the beer, the brewer would throw away their kveik and borrow a fresh culture from a neighbor <ref name="garshol_preiss_mbaa" />.
Juniper twigs partially inhibit ''Lactobacillus'' growth. Juniper needles, ripe berries, and unripe berries have little to no significant impact. See [[/Lactobacillus#Other_Plant_Type_Tolerance|''Lactobacillus'' "Other Plant Type Tolerance"]] for more information.
See also: