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| Sigmund Gjernes's Voss || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv1 1] || [[Sleight Beer Lab]] || Gebo Nordic Yeast Pitch || Single strain isolate; sold dried.
| Sigmund Gjernes's Voss || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv1 1] || [[Imperial Organic Yeast]] || Loki || A single strain isolate; likely to be the same isolate as the Omega Voss Kveik OYL-061 isolate <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/Imperialyeast/videos/322721574949175/?comment_id=322727671615232&reply_comment_id=323820638172602&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%2311%22%7D Imperial Yeast. Facebook post on Imperial Yeast Facebook page. Retrieved 07/12/2019.]</ref>.
| Sigmund Gjernes's Voss || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv1 1] || [[East Coast Yeast]] || ECY43 Nordic Farmhouse || Single strain isolate.
| Terje Raftevold's Hornindal || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv5 5] || [[The Yeast Bay]] || Hornindal Kveik || Single isolate; characterized as "stone fruit and tropical esters".
| Terje Raftevold's Hornindal || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv5 5] || [[Imperial Yeast]] || A46 Bartleby || Single isolate; characterized as "pineapple, apricot and peach aromas".
| Lærdal || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv6 6] || [[Mainiacal Yeast]] || Dried Kveik - Laerdal || The full, unpurified (no microbes isolated or removed) culture; contains lactic acid bacteria. Sold dried. Limited availability.
| Framgarden, Stordal || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv10 10] || [[Escarpment Laboratories]] || Framgarden Kveik || Blend of multiple isolates from the original Framgarden <ref>Private correspondence with Richard Preiss by Dan Pixley. 05/27/2020.</ref>. Potentially a one-time release under the lab's monthly "Kveik Ring" kveik release <ref name="escarpment_kveik_special" />.
| Framgarden, Stordal || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv10 10] || [[Imperial Yeast]] || A36 POG || Single isolate; described as "tropical fruit aromas".
| Lida || [http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/farmhouse/kveik.html#kv11 11] || [[Mainiacal Yeast]] || Dried Kveik - Lida || The full, unpurified (no microbes isolated or removed) culture with a strain of ''Lactobacillus''. Limited availability.
| Unknown || || [[Bootleg Biology]] || AURORA || Single strain isolate. Isolated from one of the kveik cultures from Hornindal (the specific kveik culture from Hornindal, of which there are a few, is unknown to Bootleg Biology) <ref name="Mello_Kveik" />.
| Unknown || || [[Imperial Organic Yeast|Imperial Yeast]] || A44 Kveiking || A blend of three isolated strains. The origin of the three strains is proprietary <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/Imperialyeast/photos/a.683712355073022/2158076584303251/?type=3&comment_id=2158478724263037&reply_comment_id=2159161367528106&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Imperial Yeast Facebook post. 06/27/2019.]</ref>.
| Unknown (blend) || || [[Mainiacal Yeast]] || Dried Kveik Blend - Juggernaut || A blend of 6 different ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' strains isolated from 6 different kveik. Limited availability.