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254 bytes added, 16:01, 11 August 2020
update to repitching sourvisiae
! Name !! Source !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Temp°F !! Notes
| SOURVISIAE® || Genetically engineered || Med-High || Med-High || 59-72 || GM strain of ''S. cerevisiae'' that produces very high levels of lactic acid with a slightly fruity flavor and aroma and is free from off-flavors that can be produced by lactic acid bacteria such as THP. This yeast produces a very acidic beer, with final beer pHs in the range of 3.0 and lactic acid in the range of 8 – 15g/L. Vigorous fermentation can be completed within 5 days. It is not recommended to re-pitch, although some brewers report success propogating it into a larger biomass with a starter <ref>[ Sourvisiae. Lallemand Brewing website. Retrieved 11/22/2019.]</ref>. See also this [ MTF thread] and this [ MBAA Podcast]. Evan Coopage reported getting 65-70% viability on subsequent re-pitches, with a slower start but comparable results to initial pitch (see [ this MTF thread]).

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