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| Belgian Sour Blend || || || || A blend of 4 ''Brettanomyces'' strains isolated from Belgian Lambic beers, alongside 4 strains of ''Lactobacillus'' and 2 strains of ''Pediococcus'', for the production of mixed fermentation sour ales. For best results, we recommend using this blend in beer with less than 7 IBUs initially. Subsequent generations can use increasing IBUs. This is supplied at secondary fermentation pitch rates, and is intended to be used in secondary or as a copitch, alongside a primary fermentation strain of your choice. <ref name="escarpment_strains">[http://www.escarpmentlabs.com/strains "Strains" list. Escarpment Laboratories website. Retrieved 12/07/2017.]</ref>.
| Fruit Bomb Saison || 80+ || Med-Low || 22-27 || This high-character blend contains a Saison strain with balanced ester and spice aromas, a ''Brettanomyces anomala'' strain with tropical characteristics, and a complex and fruity ''Brettanomyces bruxellensis'' strain. Highly suited to aroma hop or fruit-forward farmhouse ales/saisons. NOTE: the Saison yeast in this blend contains the STA1 gene, meaning it is [[Saccharomyces#Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_var._diastaticusDiastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|a diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces S. cerevisiae'' var. ''diastaticus'']]. Many Saison yeasts are diastatic, due to the desire for very high attenuation levels. However extra care must be taken to ensure these yeasts do not cross-contaminate non-diastatic yeasts. Contact us for more information. Alcohol tolerance: 12+% <ref name="escarpment_strains" />.
| New World Saison || 80+ || Med || 20-25 || A new world Saison blend containing Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces to produce a fruity, funky beer with rustic charm. Brett character increases during aging. NOTE: the Saison yeast in this blend contains the STA1 gene, meaning it is [[Saccharomyces#Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_var._diastaticusDiastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|a diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces S. cerevisiae'' var. ''diastaticus'']]. Many Saison yeasts are diastatic, due to the desire for very high attenuation levels. However extra care must be taken to ensure these yeasts do not cross-contaminate non-diastatic yeasts. Contact Escarpment Labs for more information. Alcohol tolerance: 12% <ref name="escarpment_strains" />.
| Ontario Farmhouse Ale Blend || 80+ || Med-Low || 22-25 || This strain of ''Brettanomyces bruxellensis'' is noted for very prominent pineapple esters alongside a good dose of funk. It is suitable for primary fermentation of 100% Brett beers or secondary fermentation where some extra fruit and funk is desired. Works great with hops when co-pitched with clean ale strains as well, for faster turnaround of Brett IPAs <ref name="escarpment_strains" />.
| Dark Belgian Cask || 80-85 || Med || 68-75 || A blend a classic Belgian ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' strain and TYB ''Brettanomyces bruxellensis'' - Strain TYB184. Together these strains produce a dry beer with a vinous quality and a flavor profile of dried dark fruit, plum, leather, and a mild earthy funk and acidity. Both strains in this blend are very alcohol tolerant (10-15%). While this blend is fairly versatile, it is recommended for dark beers <ref name="TYB_website">[https://www.theyeastbay.com/ The Yeast Bay Website. Retrieved 03/06/2020.]</ref>.
| Mélange || 85 || Med || 68-70 || two ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' isolates, ''Saccharomyces fermentati'' (a sherry Flor yeast that gives a nutty flavor and high esters <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2334747819886752/?comment_id=2334749853219882&reply_comment_id=2334768923217975&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D Nick Impellitteri. Milk The Funk Facebook group post about the ''S. fermentati'' in TYB Melange. 10/24/2018.]</ref>), five ''Brettanomyces'' isolates, ''Lactobacillus brevis'', ''Lactobacillus delbreuckii'' and ''Pediococcus damnosus''. If you want acidity quickly, we recommend keeping the IBU low (0-5 IBU), starting with a fermentation temperature of 70-72 ºF for the first few days and then raising the temperature to 75-80ºF to encourage development of sourness (''Lactobacillus'', ''Pediococcus''). For a slower developing beer that exhibits a rounded balance of funk (Brettanomyces) and sourness we recommend ~5-10 IBU, mashing on the high end, fermenting at 68 ºF and holding at that temperature for an extended period of time. Approximately 29 bilion cells/vial <ref name="tyb">[http://www.theyeastbay.com The Yeast Bay website. Retrieved 04/16/2016.]</ref>. Contains strains that are determined to be [[Saccharomyces#Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_var._diastaticusDiastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|a diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces S. cerevisiae'' var. ''diastaticus'']] <ref name="TYB_website" />.
| Farmhouse Sour Ale || 80-90 || Med || 70-78 || Expect this blend to take 1-3 months to begin creating appreciable levels of acidity. This blend contains two farmhouse/saison ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' isolates, ''Lactobacillus brevis'', and ''Lactobacillus delbreuckii''. The two ''Saccharomyces'' strains will combine to create a delightful ester profile of grapefruit and orange zest, accompanied by a mild earthiness and spiciness. The two ''Lactobacillus'' strains will produce a balanced acid profile, given a suitable supply of accessible carbohydrates that remain after the bulk of fermentation has been completed by ''Saccharomyces''. Expect this blend to take 1-3 months to begin creating appreciable levels of acidity, depending primarily upon fermentation temperature and the IBU. Higher fermentation temperatures and lower (0-5) IBU will produce elevated levels of acidity. Lower fermentation temperatures and higher (10+) IBU will produce lower levels of acidity. Approximately 53 billion cells/vial <ref name="tyb"></ref>. Contains a strain that is determined to be [[Saccharomyces#Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_var._diastaticusDiastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|a diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces S. cerevisiae'' var. ''diastaticus'']] <ref name="TYB_website" />.
| Saison/Brettanomyces Blend || 80+ || Medium-Low || 70-78 || This blend combines one of the ''Saccharomyces'' strains from the Saison Blend and two unique ''Brettanomyces'' isolates from our yeast library. The ''Saccharomyces'' yeast strain is a strong attenuator that produces a delightful ester profile of grapefruit and orange zest and imparts a long, dry and earthy finish to the beer. The ''Brettanomyces'' strains are both good attenuators that produce some fruity esters and mild funk, and add a bright character to the beer. The combination of these yeast produces a dry but balanced character with a delightful ester profile and just the right amount of funk. The two Brett species are both ''bruxellensis'', each isolated from a different Belgian lambic beer <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1286169764744568/?comment_id=1286181778076700&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D Conversation with Nick Impellitteri on TYB Saison/Brettanomyces Blend. 04/16/2016.]</ref>. Approximately 58 billion cells/vial <ref name="tyb"></ref>.
| 3191 Berlinerweisse Blend || 73-77 || Low || 68-72 || This blend includes a German ale strain with low ester formation and a dry, crisp finish. The ''Lactobacillus'' included produces moderate levels of acidity. The unique ''Brettanomyces'' strain imparts a critical earthy characteristic that is indicative of a true Berliner Weisse. When this blend is used, expect a slow start to fermentation as the yeast and bacteria in the blend is balanced to allow proper acid production. It generally requires 3-6 months of aging to fully develop flavor characteristics. Use this blend with worts containing extremely low hopping rates. This is a "Private Collection", which means it is only offered occasionally for a single season.
| 3031 - PC Saison-Brett Blend || 80-90 || Low || 65-80 || A blend of Saison yeast and ''Brettanomyces'' creates a dry and complex ale. Classic earthy and spicy farmhouse character meets tropical and stone fruit esters; aging brings elevated Brett flavor. Expect high attenuation with this blend. This is a "Private Collection", which means it is only offered occasionally for a single season. From Wyeast: "The 3031 blend is a couple different saison strains and a Brett c. The blend should produce a moderate Brett character is a relatively short amount of time (approx. 8-12 weeks), which should increase with age. It will do best at a fermentation temp of 65-80*F, with higher ester formation at the upper end of that range." <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1155441594484053/?comment_id=1157740487587497&offset=0&total_comments=3&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Private correspondence between Ben Campbell Dunstan and Wyeast. 10/02/2015.]</ref>. The saison yeast has been determined to be [[Saccharomyces#Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_var._diastaticusDiastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|a diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces S. cerevisiae'' var. ''diastaticus'']] <ref name="wyeast_diastaticus">[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2095461573815379/ Email from Jeannette Kreft-Logsdon. Milk The Funk Facebook post about Wyeast's diastaticus strains. 05/16/2018.] </ref>.
| 9097 - PC Old Ale Blend || 75-80 || Med || 68-75 || Wyeast, as part of their Private Collection series, has come out with their Old Ale Blend. Using both an attenuative strain of ''Saccharomyces'' and a strain of ''Brettanomyces'', the two work in tandem to create lovely, classic British-style ales. Working particularly well in darker worts, this blend can create wonderful barleywines, old ales and strong ales. The blend creates ales with a nice fruit character and wonderful esters, and the ''Brett'' will work on the beer with time, bringing out pie cherry notes with the tart sourness and horse blanket flavors typical in traditional, well-aged old ales. A great strain to use when producing big beers that will develop deep and complex flavors over time! This is a "Private Collection", which means it is only offered occasionally for a single season. The ''Brett'' is rumored to be [[Brettanomyces#Wyeast|Wyeast 5526 (Lambicus)]] and the ''Sacch'' is rumored to be the Thomas Hardy yeast <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1173561706005375/?comment_id=1173738339321045&offset=0&total_comments=7&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Conversation with Brandon Jones about Wyeast 9097 Old Ale blend. 11/4/2015.]</ref>.