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26 bytes added, 02:14, 20 May 2020
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[[File:Historical Brewing Techniques.jpg|thumb|300px|right|[ The book "Historical Brewing Techniques" by Lars Marius Garshol.]]]
[[File:Kveik_Ring.jpg|thumb|300px|right|[ Sigmund Gjernes holding a Kveik Ring (gjærkrans). Photo by Lars Marius Garshol.]]]
'''Kveik''' is a dialect word for "yeast" in Norwegian ("gjær" is the common word for "yeast" in Norwegian <ref>[ Dictionary. Retrieved 01/21/2016.]</ref>), and today specifically refers to non-purified yeast that contains multiple domesticated (not wild) strains of ''S. cerevisiae'' and has been reused for generations in traditional Norwegian farmhouse brewing. Originally the word was used as a verb to mean "to start" or to "begin life" <ref>[ Ivar Geithung. Chop And Brew Youtube video. 09/21/2019. Retrieved 09/24/2019.]</ref><ref>[ Lars Marius Garshol. Presentation for Brewers Association. May 2020. Retrieved 05/18/2020</ref> (~1 hour in).

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