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! Name !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Temp°F !! Notes
| Dark Belgian Cask || 80-85 || Med || 68-75 || A blend a classic Belgian ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' strain and TYB ''Brettanomyces bruxellensis'' - Strain TYB184. Together these strains produce a dry beer with a vinous quality and a flavor profile of dried dark fruit, plum, leather, and a mild earthy funk and acidity. Both strains in this blend are very alcohol tolerant (10-15%). While this blend is fairly versatile, it is recommended for dark beers.
| Mélange || 85 || Med || 68-70 || two ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' isolates, ''Saccharomyces fermentati'' (a sherry Flor yeast that gives a nutty flavor and high esters <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2334747819886752/?comment_id=2334749853219882&reply_comment_id=2334768923217975&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D Nick Impellitteri. Milk The Funk Facebook group post about the ''S. fermentati'' in TYB Melange. 10/24/2018.]</ref>), five ''Brettanomyces'' isolates, ''Lactobacillus brevis'', ''Lactobacillus delbreuckii'' and ''Pediococcus damnosus''. If you want acidity quickly, we recommend keeping the IBU low (0-5 IBU), starting with a fermentation temperature of 70-72 ºF for the first few days and then raising the temperature to 75-80ºF to encourage development of sourness (''Lactobacillus'', ''Pediococcus''). For a slower developing beer that exhibits a rounded balance of funk (Brettanomyces) and sourness we recommend ~5-10 IBU, mashing on the high end, fermenting at 68 ºF and holding at that temperature for an extended period of time. Approximately 29 bilion cells/vial <ref name="tyb">[http://www.theyeastbay.com The Yeast Bay website. Retrieved 04/16/2016.]</ref>. Contains strains that are determined to be [[Saccharomyces#Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_var._diastaticus|''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' var. ''diastaticus'']] <ref>[https://www.theyeastbay.com/wild-yeast-and-bacteria-products/melange MÉLANGE - SOUR BLEND. The Yeast Bay website. Retrieved 03/20/2018.]</ref>.